Letters received by John Wesley Powell, director of the geographical and geological survey of the Rocky Mountain region, 1869-1879 (inclusive), [microform].


Letters received by John Wesley Powell, director of the geographical and geological survey of the Rocky Mountain region, 1869-1879 (inclusive), [microform].

The records consist of incoming letters and records of John Wesley Powell, director of the United States Geological Survey, and of the exploration of the Colorado River canyons, also known as the Geological and Geographical Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region. Materials include notes on Powell's travels down the Colorado River, field observations on geology, ethnology, and natural science, as well as maps and charts of the exploration. Also included are records related to the administration of public lands, irrigation of the western territories, and correspondence with prominent scientists concerning western development.

10 reels.


SNAC Resource ID: 6765794

Yale University Library

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